Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Term 3 Progress

In term 3, we were to be tested on elements, compounds and mixtures, solutions and suspensions, separation techniques.
In elements, compounds and mixtures, I learnt about the different elements which scientists have found out and named. These elements are put together to make a periodic table. Each elemtent has a atomic number and mass. While in a periodic table there is periods and groups. Elements in the same group have similar chemical properties. My weak point in this chapter is that I fount it difficult to remember what element has what type of chemical properties, and what symbol represents which element. I have seen an improvement of my memory for the different symbols as I went through the periodic table throughly. I would like to read the periodic table more often in future, so as to better remember the symbols and not forget them in future.
Compound is made up of 2 or more elements, which are chemically joined, while mixtures, are 2 or more substances and are not chemically joined. I am know about the features of compounds and mixtures well, but I am not sure what substances are in a given compound, mixture. This is evident in the term 3 class test, as I have got three out of four questions wrong. I believe I had not cover this point well during my revision and I will pay special attention to this.
Separation techniques is one chapter which I have learnt online through e-learning. I have improved steadily in writing processes of separation, but I still lack of some points, rather key words, to make it the process more smooth. My problem lies with the chromatographhy separation. Through the term 3 class test, I have found out that "smudge" cannot be used when explaing when ink should not be used as the starting line. This is because it is not a scientific word. The word "absorb" also cannot be used as the proper term should be dissolve.

Term 2 Progress

In term 2, miss leong taught us about graphing techniques,measurements and units, mass, weight and density, kinetic particle theory.
After learning about the basics in term 1, we moved on to using our skills in new chapters, and in the process learning more. We first learnt about graphing technique. It is a important technique to remember, as many a time, we are required to anaylse or draw a graph. Thus, graphing techniques is essential for us. At first my graphing techniques were not that good. I had mistakes with my axis , points. Each point is worth 2 marks, and there is a total of 4 points. So not knowing how to do 2 points is actually quite a big mistake. Miss leong then gave us a pep talk on graphing techniques to give us a clearer idea of what to do in future. i realised that my graphing skills have improved after much practice, so is my anaylising of graphs. Measurements and units, is also another problem. I have an issue with remembering some of the different names for measurements and units, plus, my conversion is terrible. i keep getting it mixed up. So I went to read the notes on measurements and units which miss leong gave the class. However, during term 2's test, my marks for measurements and units, and conversion, were still not that good. I hope to improve on this part, so because i loss marks here.
For mass, weight and density, I am more confident in this chapter as I am know the weight is the amount of gravational pull of a large matter, and mass is the amount of matter in the object. Density= Mass/Volume. However, I am looking forward to improving my answering skills on this chapter. I am unsure when it comes to questions involving the percentage of two different substances in a matter, and the question asks me to find out the density of the object given.
Kinetic partical theory is fine for me. I am able to understand the concepts of kinetic particle theory in all three states of matter. The only thing I need to work on is my usage on the keywords required to explain the process of particle movement during a change of state.
I will work on these chapters and in order to learn from my mistakes.

Term 1 reflection

In term 1, miss leong teached us on science as an inquiry. They are the raw basics of science, such as some safety precautions we must take note of, names of purposes of different apparatus in the laboratory, etc.
I am glad that basics come first, because I feel that we must know them. For me, I am just grateful that I know my basics well enough, enough to get an A1 in the term 1 test. I am pleased that I managed to get an A1, and buck up from the practice test, in which I got only 24/35. That is one good point. I believed that my revision on the notes miss leong gave, both online, and hard copy, plus my assignments made me realised my mistakes in my daily work. However i hope that I will be more firm with my facts so that unnesccesary mistakes can be avoided.
I am looking forward for future improvement on my experimental skills, such as measuring and observing skills. I feel that my observing skills still can be improved, for instance to find a particular pattern faster. Also, my answer have tendency to be inaccurate. Thus my experimental questions in that practical will be badly done.
As for my measuring skills, I am hoping that my techniques would improve, so as to get a accurate answer, and not stumble over a question asking me to elaborate on an apparatus use and features. If I can get back all these marks, I am sure my marks would improve. Anyway, this is only the basics, so I must expect tougher questions and work doubly hard.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Lab experiment- chromatography

During this experiment, Miss Leong teached us the basics of chromatography, and how to carry out chromatography.

Chromatography is a simple process, to separate substances in a solution. It is a effective way to find out if a certain, or unique substance is present in a solution as all substances will be separated. Different substance have different colours. For example, a blue ink may consists of blue and black ink. Some solution, or dyes have only one coulour, this means that the solution is pure.
There are several ways of conducting chromatography tests, but a simpler method would be to use a chromatography paper paper with two drops of ink soak it in a ethanol and water mixture. The inks must be placed above a line drawn by a pencil with the mixture directly below it. This is to ensure the the inks do not dissolve into the mixture beforehand. Also the line must be drawn in pencil as ink will dissolve in the mixture and disrupt the results. Thus, as the filter paper absorbs the mixture, substances in the ink get separated from each other, as different substances have different rates of dissolving, also due to the solvent used.
Generally I like chromatography as it is a very interesting process to me. For instance, invisible ink spots in the chromatography paper can be .made visible via iodine. I find that this is really amazing as you can find out any substance in a solution by using chromatography, that is how authorities find out if some people misused drugs, by taking their urine sample. The experiment was memorable for me as i forget that lead cannot be dissolved in a solvent, as I used my highlighter which is uses lead. Consequently, the lead did not dissolve in the ethnol solution...

Friday, August 27, 2010


Hi everyone,
today, I am going to talk about nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is used to control matter in the range of atom and molecule sizes. It also used to manufacture materials of 1 to 100 nanometer sizes.
Nanotechnolgy can be used to device physics or to create materials used for applications, on an atomic scale. It can create materials in applications such as medicine, electronics and biomaterial. I feel that witht the introduction of nanotechnology, the future would see many applications produced by nanotechnology which will bring a new dimension to our life. Scientists have carried out experiments sbased on nanotechlogy. One exaple would be the a atomic sized guitar.
Also there has been a reported experiment which is about nanorobots that will be used in medical science.
For instance, nanotechnology can be used to to make nano-particles which can be released into the bloodstream through drugs. These nano-particles use targeting devices to treat the cells in the human body. I believe this is a more efficient way to get better and faster results, improvement in a patients condition as the drugs carried by the nano-particles are directly transported to the cells. This reduces side-effects. Also it is better than conventional methods where the drugs enters through your mouth or bloodstream by injection.
With the current advancement of nano-technology, I believe the future for technology is good as man looks to upgrade his life in a new pespective.

New strain of super-bug

Recently, scientists have warned of a "super bug" which could potentially spread word-wide. This new strain of bacteria,NDM-1 if even resistant to the strongest anti-biotics,
As carbepenam is regarded as a last resort anti-biotics, this shows the severity of this matter, sending a message to the world. NDM-1 is going to spread quickly. Scientists anaylised that NDM-1 has a certain gene which alloes it to spread and also to diverse.
I belive that with the current research on NDM-1, everyone have to be alert for this "super bug". Once it spreads, it could lead to another major health problem.
While scientists are trying to stop bacterias from evoving, no matter how advanced the technology is, it is impossible to completely prevent forming of new bacteria, or a health threat. With NDM-1's unique gene, it allows the bacteria to evovle more quicky thus making it more difficult to curb.
While there is such a report on an impending health worry shows, the chage of bacterias are multiple and Man cannot predict what will happen next. I hope that people will take this more seriously, so as to prepare themselves on what to do in case of a crisis.
