Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Term 2 Progress

In term 2, miss leong taught us about graphing techniques,measurements and units, mass, weight and density, kinetic particle theory.
After learning about the basics in term 1, we moved on to using our skills in new chapters, and in the process learning more. We first learnt about graphing technique. It is a important technique to remember, as many a time, we are required to anaylse or draw a graph. Thus, graphing techniques is essential for us. At first my graphing techniques were not that good. I had mistakes with my axis , points. Each point is worth 2 marks, and there is a total of 4 points. So not knowing how to do 2 points is actually quite a big mistake. Miss leong then gave us a pep talk on graphing techniques to give us a clearer idea of what to do in future. i realised that my graphing skills have improved after much practice, so is my anaylising of graphs. Measurements and units, is also another problem. I have an issue with remembering some of the different names for measurements and units, plus, my conversion is terrible. i keep getting it mixed up. So I went to read the notes on measurements and units which miss leong gave the class. However, during term 2's test, my marks for measurements and units, and conversion, were still not that good. I hope to improve on this part, so because i loss marks here.
For mass, weight and density, I am more confident in this chapter as I am know the weight is the amount of gravational pull of a large matter, and mass is the amount of matter in the object. Density= Mass/Volume. However, I am looking forward to improving my answering skills on this chapter. I am unsure when it comes to questions involving the percentage of two different substances in a matter, and the question asks me to find out the density of the object given.
Kinetic partical theory is fine for me. I am able to understand the concepts of kinetic particle theory in all three states of matter. The only thing I need to work on is my usage on the keywords required to explain the process of particle movement during a change of state.
I will work on these chapters and in order to learn from my mistakes.

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